If you ever find yourself in New Orleans’ French Quarter, perched on a stool inside Molly's at the Market, a frozen Irish Coffee sloshing in your gut and feeling that kind of inner glow that translates to "Man, I wish I could stay here forever," you would not be the first.
In fact, you'd be next in a long line of bar patrons, many of whom have had that exact wish granted while seated inside. As its name implies, Molly’s sits on Decatur Street near the French Market, and on busy days, customers can either head inside the doors or be served sidewalk-side from a window facing the street. But inside, behind the bar, urns contain the remains of longtime customers (yes, you read that right); they’re interspersed between top-shelf liquors, dangling patches, and baseball caps from first responders, years-old photos of patrons and bartenders, drawings, and satirical bumper stickers.
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