25 Thanksgiving Pie Recipes, From Timeless Treats to Autumnal Hybrids

I would happily attend a Thanksgiving feast centered entirely around pies (Grandma, are you listening?). Away with the cranberry sauce that still shows the lines from the can, out with the impossibly dry turkey, and farewell to 1960s casseroles. Instead, I’m welcoming pies, pies, and more pies. From the have-to-have-them classics like apple and pecan pies to modern twists like an apple-pecan hybrid, [this Thanksgiving](https://ift.tt/2IAea9Y, I’m putting dessert first. Who’s with me?

For Starters…

1. All Buttah Pie Crust Dough

Before we can debate about pecan vs. pumpkin (pecan wins hand over fist, obviously), we have to talk about pie crusts. Every pie needs one, and this 2-ingredient, all-butter pie crust is as classic and versatile as they come.

