How to Clean All of Your Most-Used Summer Gear

Summer is prime time for outdoor activities, and if you’re anything like me, chances are you spend every possible weekend hanging by the pool, lounging on the beach, or riding down the bike path with friends and family—after all, New England summers are fleeting, so I have to make the most of the nice weather! There’s no shortage of fun things to do in the summer, but a lot of these seasonal activities require special gear and, in turn, special gear requires special cleaning.

After a long day of fun in the sun, you probably don’t want to think about cleaning. (Personally, it’s never one of my favorite topics to dwell on.) However, it’s important to wash your gear properly if you want it to be in top shape for summers to come. After, lawn chairs, pool toys, coolers and more are all prone to mold, mildew, unsavory odors and deterioration if they’re left dirty. The good news? Most of these items are truly easy to clean—here’s what you’ll want to do to get them looking like new.

