The Best Grills, According to Pros & Pitmasters

Whether you live somewhere warm and sunny year-round or are looking to make the most of your summer, I think we can all agree that a grill is one of the most (if not the most) prized outdoor essentials. Sure, you can try to re-create the deliciousness inside with a grill pan, but your veggies, chicken, and hot dogs just won’t have that same char factor. (Unless you want to trigger your smoke detector—trust me, I’ve been there.) While a grill is an undeniable must-have, finding the best one for your space, budget, and arsenal of recipes can be overwhelming.

That’s why we tapped six grilling experts to share their favorites. As chefs, authors, pitmasters, and bloggers, these pros don’t look at grilling as just a fun pastime; it’s an art. Not only do they use their grills for just about everything (pizzas, steaks, veggies—you name it, they grill it), but they also know that the smallest features can set a grill apart from the rest. Go ahead, take a look at their go-to options. And once you’ve found the model that matches your needs, don’t forget to pick up some smokin’ grill accessories.

