It's Peach Season, Y'All! Here's How to Order Them Online

For a fragile fruit that seems to bruise if you look at it funny, peaches ship remarkably well. Peach farmers have a system figured out that keeps the little guys nestled cozily through their journey, allowing them to arrive quickly and delightfully ripe.

I know this because after angering the internet with my inflammatory opinions like “nectarines are better than peaches” (Team Fuzz Free forever) and that Washington State’s peaches can compete with Georgia’s, I agreed to buy myself a box off the world wide web and have them sent to my house during the peak of Georgia's peach season. Prime time happens to fall significantly earlier than Washington’s, allowing me to extend my “eating only super-ripe fruit over the sink” season. So, I am here to recommend that, in addition to eating the best of peach season in your own state, you can also order a box (or many boxes, no judgement here) sent to your house.

