I like my apartment, but the longer I spend in it, the more I notice its middling little flaws. I’m not about to tear the place down to the studs (I doubt my security deposit would cover that, anyway), but I’m always in search of easy ideas that don’t require a year-long renovation or all my money to complete.
This is where browsing Reddit’s delightfully named subreddit, Amateur Room Porn, has come in handy. As its name might suggest, this page (and its discussions) are for non-design experts with a passion for interior decorating, eager to swap tips and show off what they’ve done with their everyday living situations—primary bedroom facelifts, DIY book nooks, and wall-art attempts. Where the other popular decor subreddit, Room Porn, features more professional-looking homes and larger (like way larger) spaces, Amateur Room Porn is more focused on modest spaces like one-family households or city studios. It’s a reminder that, regardless of means, location, or design knowhow, everyone wants to live somewhere that suits their situation, personality, and just feels like home.
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