Easter and Passover are here, which means that you’re likely having a few loved ones over for a meal or two. You’ll have prepped and planned well ahead of time, and have a delicious and unforgettable menu ready to go. So the last thing you want to discover, just as your guests are about to arrive (or worse still, midway through your Passover meal), is that your wine glasses appear smudged or stained.
No matter what method you use to wash your glassware (in my home, everything other than grandma’s heirlooms goes into the dishwasher) and how quickly you get to drying them, it’s likely that when you resurface them after a few weeks, some spots remain. And there’s nothing like water spots to make your wine glasses appear dirty even when they’re actually clean. I know what you’re thinking: I really don’t have time to wash them at the eleventh hour. And to that I say: You’re in luck, because you don’t have to.
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