As a kid, nothing filled me with more glee than waking up on Purim morning. It wasn’t the sticky, jam-filled hamantaschen I looked forward to (although I certainly ate my fair share), or even the costume I’d decided to wear, carefully chosen and laid out neatly beside my bed. It was what I knew the day would bring: sharing mishloach manot.
There are four mitzvot (positive commandments) associated with Purim: charity, eating a festive meal, listening to readings from the Book of Esther, and giving mishloach manot. The latter, also known as shalach manot, are gifts of food and drink exchanged with family and friends. Sharing these treat-filled packages is a thrilling tradition—it’s also, arguably, the most important part of the holiday, with ancient, storied roots that stem from the Book of Esther, or as it’s more commonly known, the Megillah.
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