How to Make Better Powdered Sugar Frosting & Icing

Baking expert Alice Medrich is the person to ask about everything from skipping sugar in lemon curd to saving over-whipped cream. This time, she's sharing her best tips on powdered sugar frosting and icing, so your cakes and cookies can look and feel their very best.  

If you're going to decorate a cake or cookie, odds are powdered sugar will come in handy. This ingredient can be the start of a thick, fluffy frosting to build layer cakes, or a thin, pourable icing to drizzle over Bundts or decorate holiday cookies. Combine fat (either butter or shortening), a splash of milk or cream, and vanilla extract (if what you want is vanilla flavor), and you have the makings of perfect buttercream frosting. There are, as always, variations. Cream cheese frosting follows the same formula but calls for (surprise!) cream cheese, which makes the frosting even fluffier and gives it its signature tang and super white color. Today, we're going to cover both icing and frosting recipes made with powdered sugar. But first things first: 

