9 Best Online Grocery Stores So You Never Have To Leave Your House

Most of us can benefit from using an online grocery delivery service, a luxury that feels like a necessity in certain situations. When I’ve been sick and was fortunate enough to have the flexibility to stay at home, I loved being able to order as many cans of chicken noodle soup and bottles of Gatorade as my pantry could hold straight to my door. For parents (and especially new parents), not having to drag small children through dozens of aisles filled with enticing Chips Ahoy cookies and unicorn-flavored toothpaste might be a godsend.

Online grocery stores are also ideal for those trying to stick to a budget (not today, second box of Chips Ahoy cookies) or even just lazy people like myself who, if I had it my way, could spend every hour of every day underneath a blanket on the couch, only moving my right hand to switch between Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV. I can order groceries from my phone to my door and retrieve them whenever I feel that my sacred being deserves a fleeting stretch. (Okay, so not quite as necessary there, but my point still stands!)

