10 Rugs You Won’t Regret Bringing Into Your Dining Room

You know by now that area rugs aren’t just for your living room or bedroom. Whether it’s the size of your coffee table or it goes from corner to corner, an area rug can instantly add beauty, warmth, and polish to any space—yes, including your dining room.

While there’s no reason that you should shy away from dining room rug, you do want to be mindful of potential spills and crumbs. No judgment on our part—we’ve all dealt with our fair share of clumsy dinner guests! That's why we chatted with designer Julia Miller of Yond Interiors, and Stephanie Purzycki, CEO and co-founder of the interior design consulting company The Finish, about the best rug materials that are easy to clean (more on that below) and curated best ones from our favorite brands and stores.

