During Passover, certain plant-based foods are already verboten, which makes finding vegan Passover recipes tricky. During the holiday, most Jewish households avoid chametz, or grains that have come in contact with water for longer than 18 minutes. Depending on which ethnocultural group and branch of Judaism one belongs to, there may be other avoided foods during Passover, from rice to sunflower seeds to lentils. (For some, it also means avoiding anything packaged that isn’t explicitly labeled “kosher for Passover,” even if it does fall within the dietary requirements.) This can make nourishing oneself a bit challenging for vegans who thrive on plant-based staples like grains and legumes. When it comes to vegan Passover recipes that meet most of the religious guidelines, lean heavily into vegetables, quinoa, fruit, matzo, and most nuts. Same rules go for dessert—just add (dairy-free) chocolate.
These 18 vegan Passover recipes are free of chametz, and should be welcome at any seder (or for any meals throughout the week). However, some do include kitniyot (non-chametz grains and legumes that many Ashenaski Jewish households historically avoid). In recent years, the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, which represents the interest of Conservative Jews, decided that kitniyot are kosher for Passover. If that’s not your style, skip them. You also may see a few packaged baking items, like 1:1 gluten-free flour and baking powder, that may not be specifically certified kosher for Passover. So we'll recommend that you check with your guests to see which specific and additional dietary requirements they follow during the holiday before diving in.
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