17 Mardi Gras Recipes to Celebrate Carnival in Style

Holidays based around eating are ones we would never dream of skipping. Number one on our list this month is Mardi Gras. Here is an updated version of last year's celebratory round-up, with a few tantalizing additions that will really make you hungry:

You wouldn't know it from the sloppy tourists hurling beads from French Quarter balconies, but Mardi Gras is, fundamentally, a religious holiday. Indeed, it is the best kind of religious holiday: one based on divinely sanctioned binge eating. Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, is so called because it's the last day before Lent—in other words, a last hoorah to have the meats, booze, and sweets that are verboten during the following 40 days of penitence.

