The Mattress That Took My Sleep From Good to Great

For the longest time, I’d never given much thought to my mattress. I’m not a bad sleeper by any means—once the lights go out once I put my phone down, I’m out like a baby and if I didn’t have a job to set my alarm for, I’d sleep until noon (or later). Fun fact: I once slept standing up in the middle of a casino.

I slept just fine with my old hybrid mattress that had a mix of innersprings and foam—I mean, when is sleep ever a bad thing? But it was never really great. It had gotten less supportive and more squeaky over the years so I’d often roll out of bed with a sore neck and back to avoid waking up my husband, and the thick memory foam was suffocating if I didn’t kick off my comforter. When I moved into my first home almost two years ago, I decided I needed an upgrade that would help me feel more refreshed and awake—you know it’s a problem when you’re still feeling meh after a solid nine hours of sleep.

