I’ve been an insomniac since I was in sixth grade. Sleeping through the night has just never come easy for me, no matter what I do. I do all the sleep hygiene things you’re supposed to: no caffeine after noon, no alcohol three hours before bed (I mean most of the time), exercise, go to sleep and wake up on the same schedule, no screens. But I’ll still myself awake at 3 am, trying desperately to avoid checking the alarm clock and repeating the mental calculation of how much sleep I can get if I just managed to fall asleep right now and how tired I’ll be for whatever I have the following day. I’ve tried meditation, baths, sleeping pills, CBD, THC, sleepytime tea, Valerian tea, exercising in the morning, exercising at night.
These days my insomnia tends to come back in cycles—a few days every month I just won’t be able to sleep, no matter what I do. But most of the time, I figured out something that works: My wind-down routine is to treat myself like a baby.
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