20 Best Valentine's Day Gifts for Those You Love (Yes, Including Yourself)

I’ll be the first to admit that Valentine's Day sometimes feels like a Hallmark holiday. Why do we need just one day to show the people in our lives how much we love them? And if it isn’t even a “real” holiday, why is getting a dinner reservation on February 14 so hard? But, even through these gripes, I love Valentine's Day—the candy, the sweet gift exchanges, and the sentimentality of it all. I’m a sucker for nostalgia and it’s the perfect time to show your favorite people that you care about them.

Whether you’re looking to make a big romantic gesture for a long-term partner or just want to let a friend know you’re thinking about them, you’ll find all sorts of gift ideas in our guide. Of course we’ve included some of the classics because chocolate is delicious, but we’ve also got a ton of unique and fun finds, so keep scrolling for the best gifts for every type of valentine.

