This $3 Bag Is the Most Functional One I Own

In September, I bought a house after a decade in a one-bedroom apartment. That has meant I suddenly care a lot about grout, came up with a solution for combatting grody toilets, and have spent a lot of time dissociating in big-box stores, specifically IKEA. On one of my many trips assessing options for house trappings that were both affordable and cute, I stumbled upon something that has been even more useful in my moving-house process: the perfect canvas bag.

That IKEA makes great catch-all bags is likely not news to you: its signature blue Frakta bag is a staple of urban life. I’ve been using one as a laundry bag for years, and several more are scrunched under my bed for any situation in which I need to haul an inordinate amount of things quickly. But the blue bag has its drawbacks. One, the material, though basically indestructible, is pretty crinkly, and difficult to wrangle back into its original shape without some Jiu-Jitsu. And the other is that it’s instantly recognizable as “that 99 cent bag from the furniture store”—so if you’re hoping to go incognito, it’s not the right call.

