I love baking from scratch. In fact, it used to be my profession! But come time for the holidays, I get completely tangled up in the chaos and the thought of baking and decorating homemade treats for a cookie swap gives me little pleasure.
Trust me, I try to clear my schedule. I try to psych myself up to channel my inner artist and decorate sugar cookies with intricate brushstrokes and embellishments. But time (and/or procrastination tendencies, who’s to say...) get the best of me and usually on the night before a cookie swap, I end up making a beeline to the store where I’ll pick up a cookie decorating kit and pray to Ina Garten that they’ll pass as homemade. And guess what? Thanks to festive, kitschy, and all-around whimsical cookie decorating kits, my cookies not only pass, but they usually hail triumphant as some of the night’s best.
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