The fun of watching The Great British Bake Off is yes the competition, yes the British humor, but mainly the chance to learn about an entirely new baked good popular across the pond. In this week’s technical challenge on the popular Netflix show, the remaining contestants were tasked with baking a Prince Regent Cake, also known as Prinzregententorte. Thin layers of white cake and chocolate ganache are stacked high for a beautiful slice of cake. But what is Prince Regent Cake anyway, and what makes it worthy of the show’s most challenging category?
According to The Great British Bake Off, Prince Regent Cake was created in the 19th century to celebrate Prince Regent Luitpold, who was the de facto ruler of Bavaria (a landlocked state within Germany) and reigned from 1886–1912. His son, Ludwig the III, was the last king of Bavaria and served until 1918. At the time, Bavaria consisted of eight administrative districts—hence the eight layers of sponge cake that are used to make the cake. It’s a serious showstopper, but is certainly no easy feat to assemble.
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