This weekend is prime for pumpkin picking and carving. With Halloween just days away, it’s time to grab a knife and carve a jack-o-lantern. But what are you supposed to do with all the leftover seeds from inside the pumpkin? The easy option would be to discard or compost them, but don’t! They make a delicious snack raw or roasted that you can enjoy for weeks to come.
How to Store Fresh Pumpkin Seeds
Once you’ve completely gutted the pumpkin prior to carving it, (“awww, you didn’t tell me you were gonna kill it!”), place the seeds and pulp in a large bowl and fill it completely with water. Using your hands or a fork, stir the pumpkin inners around, allowing the seeds to float to the top of the water. Once most of the seeds have separated from the pulp and floated to the top, use a slotted spoon or spider to remove the seeds from the water and place them in a separate colander. Rinse any remaining pulp from the seeds in the colander with running water. From here, it’s time to dry them! Spread the seeds in a single layer out on a dish towel or a few sheets of paper towel and pat them dry to get rid of any excess moisture.
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