The Magical Shelf Organizer That Found Space Where There Was None

For someone who lives in a household of just two, my husband and I have a surprisingly large amount of dinnerware. Most of the pieces are leftovers from our first apartment, some are “new home” purchases we decided to invest in, and others are generous gifts from family and friends. Maybe it’s because I work in the food and kitchen space, but dinner plates, ice cream bowls, and more have just piled up to the point where I worry they’ll shatter under their own weight.

Normally, this wouldn’t bother me—I could rearrange the height of my cabinet shelves and organize the dinnerware better, and I could hide the stacks behind closed cabinet doors. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist, right? Well, joke’s on me because I have glass fronts on my cabinets and no matter how much rearranging I did, I still wouldn’t have enough shelves to fit everything.

