How to Make Bakery-Worthy Pie Crust Designs

One of the first articles I wrote for Food52 many moons ago was about my favorite subject: making pies—and making them pretty, to boot. I covered a few decorative edges in that post, but I figured it was about time for a second go-around. There are so many ways to crimp the edge of your beautiful pie crust—calling that index finger!—and with strawberry season nearly behind us, and stone fruit, berry, and pumpkin pie ahead, I wanted to give step-by-step guides for 9 pretty edges.

How to Make Beautiful Pie Crust Designs

Use a Pie Recipe you love.

This All Buttah Pie Dough is a classic. It'll turn out expertly flaky, so long as you let it chill well before rolling. Which brings me to the next point...

